a day to remember...lol
1:41:00 PMsebab tengah hyper.
need to write it down.
elham rebel followed me . :))))))))))
the thing is i don't read much of malay thing. don't blame me. everyone have preferences. mine is strictly to mine. anyhow, elham is just amazing. i don't know who you are but you're amazing.
kejadian berlaku
me driving then saw a notification. (fyi am at the traffic light. susah ramai manusia suka bash org zmn sekarang.)
senyum sampai telinga. hyper melampau. manusia macam aku nih susah kalau dah hyper extreme sikit. memerlukan daya control yang tinggi.
nasib baik tak kenyit mata kat org kereta sebelah je. wakakaka
still in hyper mode. senyum senyum senyum sampai sakit dah mulut aku nih.
yang pasti aku adalah perosak bahasa. hahahaha sorry not sorry manglish is my language.