
4:49:00 PM

Just because we don't talk doesn't mean I don't think about you. I'm just trying to distance myself because I know I can't have you. - Wiz Khalifa-

Sometimes I am puzzled am I in love with you or with the feeling... and I just don't get it why I can't get you out of my mind. It's not me...

now am wondering am I missing u or what

Sometimes I wonder what do you think of me?
Sometimes I wonder do you EVER think of me?
Well what ever it is. I hope you are happy and healthy.

Damn I'm thinking bout you...again?! what--why
Damn me...heh great job heart great job!

so many years,countless tears
I guess a piece of my heart will never stop "this non-sense feeling or whatever it is" that I don't even understand. All I know is am happy and sad at the same time.

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  1. It's not nonsense feeling but a gift. A weird unfathomable gift that make us human. Mathematically, when someone/something is substracted from you, you are less than the supposed value. Hence, the sense of longing. You are longing for someone, why don't you go for it(in blessed way)even if you can't have it?

    *excited to see a blog with proper sentences and rempit-less, thus those comments existed*

    - K.


