This Part of Me

9:30:00 PM

well where to start...
big hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

i love white roses and for the last 21 years of living i had receive three white roses
ooppsss from my beloved dearest friend okai..
and i am supposed to feel happy or at the very least over zealous. however i don't.
i am so so very very sorry.
i want to. really want to. but i don't. i can't rather. i don't know what's wrong. its just the it is. its like that.

when  my grade is down i just like okay. "takpe lah nak buat macam mana mode". its always like that. then i'd be asking me self ummm shouldn't i be sad or something. only then i would think for a moment then i'd be sad. It would last for like...let see umm 15 minutes at most. Gosh i am weird.
However i would be more and more reserved bout What i feel How i should feel Whent i should feel. i'd think it over then the feeling kind of exposed themselves. well thank god i am officially not normal. fuhhhh

i love chocolate. so so so very very much. whenever i want to study there should be a gazillion of chocolate stock! like i would die without it. my head will explode from excessive usage and no choco support for my mental health. well thank you to whom ever founder of chocolate or creator of chocolate. Thanks a lot man.

i love tom yum! uhuhuhu hot and spicy just like me. 0.0
love it. love it. one word to describe my feeling towards tom yum's creator. you HOT!

i love internet. i don't know or rather said i can't even imagine my life with out internet. Oh my it would be speechless world. another thank you internet creator. you Geek the life man.

well life is short just to see and list the bad side of you.
you are full of good and you know it. aren't i right bloggy. i'm always right and i know it.

live your life, everybody else's is already taken.
be yourself as everybody else is not available.

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