Read. Read. And Read (ReadingFreakOut)
11:36:00 PMSejak habis belajar hampir sebulan yang lalu, saya sudah kembali kepada habit baca, baca dan baca sampai tak ingat dunia. (ape ke sengalnya aku ni start entry blog ngan ayat cam gini...ingat ni karangan BM zaman dulu kala...............)
Entry ini adalah untuk mengisi masa sebelum mata aku betul2 tertutup.
It has been few days susah nak tidur. Something been bothering and I have chosen to ignore it. Its better that way. Tapi consequences nya is I have to sacrifice my sleep. I just can't sleep. Susah sangat nak tidur... siang ke malam ke sama susah nak tutup mata. Tahu-tahu tertidur sendiri sebab penat sangat. Sekali dah terjaga haramm nak tidur balik.. order to fill my time I've been reading. A lot ! Well a nerd is always a nerd even though how much you've change or other word is evolved. Haha
Tapi cam sengal je aku...bila baca novel sedih, sakit hati sebab penat nak kena nangis. Nama pun novel kan dah kalau sedih knp lah gatal nak baca kan. Ngaaaaa. Sengallahnamanya.
Aku rasa kalau aku kena campak lam kedai buku sekarang ni, kompem boleh gila. Orang mesti boleh nampak mata aku bersinar-sinar excited. Hahahaha...gila buku. Hari tu aku emo sebab kakak aku rasmi buku aku baru beli...boleh pulak.. But lately, I've started to realize I've more or less start to be like my sisters. Mengadap buku jerrrrr...makan ngan buku, watching tv ngan buku...tidur lagilah ngan buku. Takut lak.... We definitely do not want that..(be like my sisters)..Ngaaaa
I don't mean to silent myself from the world especially my friends. But I really can't help it. I love being alone so much and I love having my own space and I love reading and fall deep into the story sampai tak ingat dunia. This is the only way I've learn to take me away and feel secured; forget my life and life is simpler that way. And I can forget certain thing even just for a brief moment.