Why Do WE Live This Way..That Way

1:36:00 PM

The sunset always set my heart to a feeling that am longing for something...just something.
And I don't know what it is---
I hope I'll find what ever it is one day.

Have you ever look around you and see life? Just life.......how it moves and how we moves along it.
I know it sound corny but its how I feel...it how I see it. And the only word that I found justified to explained what it is that I saw is "Life"

Yesterday, I saw "it" again: Life.
While strolling around to go to my mother's friend's house. I just saw it.
There is this two people riding a bike just beside my car and the biker turn to me and I just saw it. The look of life.
Then I wonder why do we live our life like this?
The look of the biker is nothing more then expression of tiredness, glint of discouragement.
We go to work, we earn money, we buy things, we do exactly this again and again. Sometimes it is easy for some people sometimes it is harder. But the glint of bafflement is there. Why we let our life be like this? The discouragement is too much. Its painful for me to see. I am tired. Why do I see it?

"In three words sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on..." -Robert Frost

The weirdness in me can be very tiring sometimes...

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