Broken robot
9:24:00 PMIt's been functioning fine
Supposedly fine
Until it is not-
Shockingly it learnt that it is broken
It never once see it coming
Never knew it is broken all along
What happen?-
And nothing
Nothing came to its knowledge
It took a long time for it to see
It took a long time to figure it out
Maybe not
But something
Something's broken
The robot finally learn
It is nothing but a mask
An escape
A mask everyone's wear
Then the robot think out loud
Is that it?
Is that all it is? A mask?
I am nothing but a mask?!
I am sorry.
Reading it pains me.
I am sorry for many things
Things i don't even know
I feel things
But i can't control it
It is me
But it is not.
I am nothing but a regulator
The guardian of emotion.
I am here but i am not
I am Sylph.
For the longest time i wonder should i show myself
And here i am.
Very weird.
But it is me
I am me
I am out
Very weird
Jared stop repeating the same things
Enough with the weirdness
It's not weird anymore
And what is there to be weirded about
You need to stop being too controlling and get out more. Seriously you're getting on my nerve
Sid you need to stop forgetting words.
You keep doing that a lot ya know
It's fine for a while but you keep doing it a lot lately
Jeeshh am sorry gray if that annoys you. You're the smarty pants here you can fix it i believe. That is why you exist. Isn't it. To fix everything up. You and jared need to losen up a bit.
And the robot remain confused