i'm spacing again
7:33:00 PMthere are times when you don't even realize that you have taken few of your limited time just by doing nothing
i don't even remember what i'm thinking
i can't even recall what have i been doing during those times
it rather odd i would say
such a thing happen to me..
self centered~
yup that's me..and one more thing cool~ ahakz
i didn't realize it before..but then when suddenly something just gone missing
you search every inch of your house
and still couldn't find it.. well then you would start to trace back what you have been doing before
tried to trace your latest path you took and what you would usually do..
well basically everybody have their own rutin and habit..
for instant; some would put their keys on the table just right after they enter their house
some would hang their coat first in the closet then sit on the couch
and some might just crash on the bed right after entering their room..
well that's what i'm trying to say..we have differrent habit and rutin
so do i...well usually i could find the missing piece but then when you are spacing you wouldn't remember what you have done before that might change your rutin...this is when i cought myself spacing..
well, eventually i just lost in my thought..and the world seem rather less interesting
still i would notice things that i shouldn't have notice.. you know-
sometime there're certain thing better to be left alone
unfortunately for me..i found myself knowing bout it~
poor brainy~~did i burden you to much? well you know that i can't help it. its my nature...
i just know~ [its really annoy me sometime]
especially when you know and no one else seem to know it and you find it hard to explain
there are no word can described this..how i know..i just know~
i just understand it..that's it fullstop!
i myself don't understand how my brain work how can i explain it to people~
however, this spacing thingy actually help me..i think.
i would have some time for me. i'll focus more on me and reminiscing bout what i have done and i make a promise to myself not to do that again...[more like muhasabah diri la kot]
well some might say i'm just being self centered...
well i think i know me better then others know me.