kokokokokokotak aku

11:14:00 AM

hari ini hari bekerja. last day for the week. loving it. counting the hours to balik and enjoy freedom.

And here i am writing in my blog during the office hour.
because i have no work.
at least that what i think.hmmm
i am awfully boring...

here footstep...(bos kah?) buat muka.
my dear friend...pusing2 nope bukan bos.
sambung tulis blog. lalala

bukan niat untuk tidak beretika dalam bekerja tapi memang takde kerja.
hmmm what else to ramble here.
owh yeah i just learned that i start to curse a lot now.
its bad!! very bad!
still doing it. still working on being innocent again like old time~ (penah ke aku innocent????) haha

i've learned that the more you listen to someone the more you learn not about that person but about yourself.
we eventually will end up making comparison.

i've learned that more stubborn i am the more heartache i have to bear.
boo me.

i've learned that i am obnoxious little brat with a KLCC hight of ego.
boo me.

i've learned that  forgiving is very easy and i gave my forgiveness almost too easily
boo me? or good me? not sure.

i've learned that my maximum limit to study is one hour  per study not per day.
good me! know yourself better is good right?

oh yeah obvious one. i've learned that i am more or less a geek!
and i don't care.

i've learned that i am allergic to COLD.

i've leaned that i am a great observant but not so when i'm sleepy!
loss focus.

i've learned that i rather listen than talking.
talking is tiring.

i've just realize actually, that i love vegetables ever since i was a kids. it is very uncommon for a kids.
 i. am. so. weird.
makan nasi dengan sup sayur is so freaking delicious.hahahaha pelik la aku nim

why am i telling all this?

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