I Have a Problem

11:20:00 AM

“Remember to always be yourself. Unless you suck.” 
― Joss Whedon

:: just so you know belogie I love this quote so damn much. kekekeke


I just have to let it out. I realize I have this problem or syndrome or habit i don't know.. anyhow the issue is I found that I am very stingy.. a stinger. I think. I just don't want someone or anyone to find out about certain things. Like I have a great song in my playlist or a great books that I read. And I hope to God no one else knows about it. It's so good that I don't want to share.

What is my problem?!! jeeshh

This may also because of my introvertness- I think. I just love to keep things to myself. I love sharing my thought but there some things just so precious I don't want anyone to find it. It's such a great deal when I share...meaning that I have given certain time to think whether to share it or not. I have to fight with myself just to share something not even mine actually. HAHAHA what is my problem belogie?? I am just so effing weird. And I know it and it makes it much more weirder!

:: so many weird word used today. My English teacher will be very unhappy about this.

a memory to keep is a small things that make you realize who you really are.

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  1. The irony of being introvert is thinking that we are damn weird, but o-ow, the definition is no longer valid when we exclude the closet among ourselves.


