ke mana tumpahnya kuah kalau tidak ke nasi

8:31:00 AM

our parents love books. that's how all five of us love books. it all start with parents. 

how much do we love books?
our parents would buy lots and lots of books. from malay to english. funny thing is our father buy those enid blyton series in malay. but anak2 dia growing up semua xsuka baca buku bahasa malay. hahahaha
but we love those books. it's our childhood. first thing to do when my sisters and brother woke up is read books according to my mom. welp am still not around. -nostalgia-
now all the books ruined by the banjir. super sad. all of us mourn. literally. 
the firs thing that all we care when knowing that our house were hit by those banjir. BOOKS!!
all the books!!! and none could be save. huhu..
maybe one day i could find those edition again. yes i am that kind of person. i love to keep things that close to my heart. there's nothing much to remember. i don't remember lots of thing from my younger life except for this books.
one morning i ask my mom to read those princesses stories. but my sister keep nagging and forcing me to read on my own.- i still hate you for that - 
when i grow up only then i realize. i can't really read not until i was 10. that's why i always ask someone to read it to me. damn. 
i've been called a lot thing. i've been dismissed a lot of time. i've been look down in so many ways.
i hate my childhood life.
except those books
someone says look where you are now. doing MBA kot!
nahh MBA is nothing. i don't take this course to prove them what i've been or even to prove myself.
am not interested in that friend.
i do it because i don't have anything else to do. i end up there. 
i guess that's my calling. maybe. who knows
love hate decision
i love how many knowledge am getting from this course. but i hate taking exams and people labeling me. 
it's nothing really. merely a recognition. 
how sad. being recognize just by grades. 
there should be grade for hard work. which i don't think i'll ever get an A. kekeke~
none of this fascinate me.
the way my sound mind thinking how our hand just simply moves just because we want to? how my mind analyze every details and critically evaluate and developing decision? how my small brain keeping me alive? how this small brain operates it self? how my mind has helped me grow and change my views in many ways just fascinate me. amazing ain't it?! 
this is the true magic. not even bending a spoon without touching can beat how our hand moves just because we want it to move.
this is very uncommon post. all this because at 7am we were discussing about BBW and how excited we are to buy books. jeesh we're such a geek family 

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