..pipe dream..

8:02:00 PM

i realize i am not a happy person here. most of the time. either am lost, pissed or just random.

welp here is the happy me although am super tired. done with finance paper today. damn they are not easy!! i think i just overused my brain after so long.

just one more sem belogie one more sem and i'll be done. jyeahhhh
i am happy but i am tired so yeah i'll try to be here more when am happy. happy thought happy mode. usually when am happy is when am having my manic episode... yep
manic is hyper..hyper me is just jumpy and out of control. and definitely not going to sit down and wrote sweetly. kekekeke
i'll try i'll try belogie. i want to remember am not just dark but there's a light here and there sometime.

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