
6:39:00 PM

ala-ala Domo-kun ada nih..haha
i'm sooooo anak mak laaaa~
i know its good to always listen to your mother..
dapat keberkatan Tuhan...tapiii
i do want to be a bad girl..i mean do something unplan. or embark on a journey be spontaneous..
best nyaaa!! but i'm not that brave i guess.
banyak bahaya kata mak aku..kalau nak pergi travel sorang2..
but to me bahaya tu ada kat mana-mana...sama jer....
i really do want to do it.. SOOOO MUCH!

apa kan daya sayang nya aku pada mak aku moe than anything~
i can't lie to her.. i just can't.
sooner or later i'll tell her.. aisshhhhh
aku mengaku aku memang nakal..degil..baran..and comel ahahhaha!!
tapi aku tak pernah lawan cakap mak aku.. merajuk tuuu biasa lah kan..
kadang2 rasa cam aku ni baik sangat la pulak.. "skema" anak mak sangat.
kata rock~

hahaha.. i guess i can't see my mom sad.
i've seen too much..
i understand too much thing..
i know too much..
like i said its a gift from God i think. i just know what's goin' on... i just know lah~
and its so tiring...annoying sometimes..
and i just can't do it...
i don't want to do it..
but i want to do it..
adehhhhh apelah..

last2..mengadu kat blog.
sadis nya aku nih... macam orang xde kawan pulak bunyi nya..
well aku ada kawan.. ramai jer. tapi xde seorang pun yang faham aku and xde seorang pun yang macam aku.
i didn't expect to have someone exactly like me...that's impossoble lah kan..
but i'm unik i know that... well you may call it 'weird' watsoeva la kn~
first time i watch Lilo and Stitch i cried.. i cried hard. my sis dont understand why i cry.. [padahal masa tu baru umur berapa tahun, 11 years old ase nya] ahakzzz hebat kan.. kecik2 dah pndai feeling2.
padahal cerita tu fun and crazy.. but to me that stitch is me...  really do feel like that. (sekarang pown)
and its sucks..ahahhahaha
i want to find my Lilo...and when Lilo pray to send her a friend and she got stitch.. she's damn happy!! i wan to be stitch to have someone to appreciate me like understandme more than i understan them..
letih jugak bila kita selalu je tahu pasal orang lain.. dia sedih ke, dia happy ke dia marah ke... in just short while, aku mesti tahu. [now i wonder is it good or is it bad].

'This is my family. I found it, all on my own. Is little, and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good. '
have i given up?

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  1. aish~~ kakah kan ade~~ xnk la guna kakah lagi...=.= ikah je.., u xunik..n yes..u weird. :P ahahaha. boollaaat~

  2. ikah si penceramah..haahahahhahahahahahahaha xleh la nk lupa kan ikah.. sowwwyyyy but i just cantttttt; its damn funny~


